Notch maiden pitch

When I see weather is going to be bad on the week-end, I get my gear and a good meal together and head out in the woods...

This time my intent was to test the Tarptent Notch in cold and wet conditions in order to be assured for my TGOChallenge in May! Luckily I thought about buying snow ankers before leaving as the Notch is not a self supported tent.

The night was calm with a light snow falling. The morning came with a few instances of sun rays, enough to wake up all the birds around - but all the sudden it started snowing again.

The morning on camp ended with a warming activity: Trying to get all those snow anchers out of the compressed and frozen snow (why did I forget my ice axis at home??). At least I slept well knowing my tent would not move during whatever condition!

I spent a great night in my new shelter, which is very solid and warm enough[1] considering a design as minimalistic as the Notch!

  1. with solid inner ↩︎